Hi! Amanda and Kevin here! We're the owners of The Laundry Basket- a full service laundromat and tanning salon. We're born and raised in the Bangor area and proud to raise our family here as well. We were fortunate to purchase The Laundry Basket in 2022 from long-time owners, Mike & Marie, after 28 years of their dedication to the business! While partners in life and business, Kevin is more of the silent partner at The Laundry Basket, except when something breaks! Amanda, a licensed clinical social worker by training, decided to hand in her healthcare badge for now to focus on The Laundry Basket and driving her children wherever they need to go!
When we bought The Laundry Basket, we thought we were just getting a new business. What we realize and love is that we got a new community because what is the one thing that can bring everyone together? The shared exasperation of the never-ending pile of laundry!!!
Thank you for visiting our site, our store, and being a part of our journey!
Life is hard. We make laundry easy!
We offer laundry your way--self serve, drop-off, or pick-up and delivery
We are a fully attended and safe space
We work diligently to keep our facilities clean and welcoming
You can get some much-needed vitamin D in our tanning beds while your clothes wash!